Terms & Conditions


Below are all the Terms & Conditions for YoungEducation Ltd. If you have any queries please direct these to the relevant email addresses below.

Client: [email protected]

Tutors: [email protected]

Private Tuition

YoungEducation Ltd trading as YoungEducation Tutors is an agent for the introduction of tutor(s) to the Client. YoungEducation Tutors does not provide the tutoring services. YoungEducation Tutors acts as an agency business which engages the tutor under a contract to provide a service to clients.

The Client agrees that by engaging our services they are agreeing to the following terms and conditions in respect of YoungEducation Tutors introduction to you of a tutor (the Tutor):

A tutor will be deemed to have been introduced to the client by YoungEducation, if, either the name of the tutor is provided to the client by YoungEducation Tutors following the request for a tutor by the client, or YoungEducation Tutors arranges for a tutor to contact the client following such request for a tutor being received from the client to YoungEducation Tutors.

Agreement with the Tutor for the provision of tutoring services

By booking a session with the Tutor, the Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions with the Tutor for the provision of tutoring services. That agreement governs the relationship between the Client and the Tutor and the Client is not permitted to make any private or other arrangements with the Tutor who has been introduced by YoungEducation Tutors.

A breach of this term will render the Client liable to YoungEducation Tutors for any sums paid direct to the Tutor without deduction and YoungEducation Tutors shall be entitled to seek an injunction against the Client to prevent further breaches. This obligation continues beyond the termination or conclusion of this agreement.

Fees and Payment

As agent for the Tutor, YoungEducation Tutors manage the billing process as the payment agent. YoungEducation Tutors will agree with the Client a fee based on an hourly rate and collect the fee from the Client by rendering an invoice at the beginning of each month.

Payment by the Client must be made within 7 days of the date of the invoice. YoungEducation Tutors reserves the right to request the Clients Debit or Credit Card details to guarantee payment for services. Any Debit or Credit Card details are not held by YoungEducation Tutors and instead are encrypted with Bank Level security with our chosen Card Services Provider. Any card details with are collected may be charged in the event of late or non-payment. As such, YoungEducation Tutors reserves the right to take payment for invoices from any payment card we may hold from the client.

Hours recorded and submitted by the tutor via the TutorCruncher Portal to YoungEducation Tutors will be passed on to the client. The Client is responsible for ensuring that each invoice is accurate and if there are any discrepancies, the Client should notify YoungEducation Tutors within 48 hours of the invoice being sent.

Any expenses must be agreed with the Tutor in advance. Travel costs, if applicable, shall be agreed in advance between the Client and YoungEducation Tutors (on behalf of the Tutor) and will also be added to the invoice.

In the event of late or non-payment of fees YoungEducation reserve the right to suspend any provision for tuition provided by the tutor(s) until full payment is received. This does not release the client from their contractual obligations. YoungEducation reserve the right to charge interest, late fees and administration costs to invoices that are 1 day or more overdue.

Where payment is not completed in full by the required timeframe, YoungEducation reserve the right to charge a £10 administrative fee every 30 days the balance remains unpaid in relation to chasing the outstanding balance. YoungEducation also reserve the right to charge interested on outstanding balances at 4% above base rate per week. Furthermore, YoungEducation reserves to right to recover any legal costs incurred in the recovery of debt. These costs will be recovered for the client in full including legal and courts fees.

The Client agrees not make any payments directly to the Tutor at any time.

The first payment for lessons will be an advance payment of 5 hours charged via a Debit or Credit Card. Once this payment has been succewssfully taken, tutor details will be released and the booking will be confirmed. All payments with the exception of the first, will be collected by Direct Debit. In the event that the Direct Debit is returned, YoungEducaion Tutors reserves the right the charge any credit or Debit Card held.

Cancellation: General

Cancellations should be made via email to [email protected]. Cancelling by phone conversation or SMS with the Tutor is not an effective cancellation since YoungEducation may not be aware of it, or able to verify that it was made in the event of a dispute.

At least 24 hours’ notice must be given by the Client to the Tutor and to YoungEducation of the cancellation of a tutoring session for any reason whatsoever (unless the cause is deemed by the Tutor to be unavoidable). If less than 24 hours’ notice is given of a cancellation, the Client remains responsible for the full fee and commission fee (plus VAT as appropriate) for the missed session and the fee procedures above will apply.


The Client is not permitted to make private arrangements for tuition with a tutor introduced by YoungEducation Tutors. Should a client breach this obligation, they will be liable to account to YoungEducation Tutors for all sums paid to the tutor without deduction and YoungEducation Tutors shall be entitled to obtain an injunction against the client to prevent further breaches. This obligation shall continuer notwithstanding termination of this agreement.

YoungEducation Policies

The Client hereby confirms that the Client has read, understood and agrees to comply where relevant with all YoungEducation Policies including but not limited to the YoungEducation Data Protection Policy.


The Client hereby confirms that should they wish to serve notice of termination they will do so in writing to both YoungEducation and the tutor, giving no less than four weeks’ notice, so that the tutor may conclude his/her work with the student and plan his/her own commitments. This termination provision applies after your first lesson. Written notice of termination can be emailed to [email protected]. The notice will be deemed to have been received by YoungEducation the second working day after the notice was sent.

If the tutor, for any reason, has to stop tuition mid-course, YoungEducation will endeavour in all cases to replace the tutor as soon as possible, subject to availability, in order to minimise disruption to the student’s progress.


The tutor cannot be held responsible for chaperoning minors, nor guarding a house, household effects or any other property or possession of the client while tutoring. Please ensure that a responsible adult is on the premises for the entire duration of tutoring.


YoungEducation does not accept any liability for any claims by the Client arising out of or related to the provision of tutoring services by the Tutor.

Contractual Relationship

YoungEducation acts as agent of the tutor by providing introductions of tutors to clients and vice versa. YoungEducation also collects fees from the client on behalf of the tutor together with their own commission which is included in the hourly rate agreed and is paid solely by the client.

Data Protection

YoungEducation is registered under the Information Commissions Office (ICO) to hold and use client data for the purposes of the services that it provides. Clients providing personal data to YoungEducation are consenting to the use of that data by YoungEducation for the purpose of introductions to tutors, for billings and fees collecting purposes and to enable YoungEducation to contact the client and/or the student from time to time. Where required for legitimate purposes in connection with YoungEducation’s business and, subject to suitable safeguards, that data may be transferred to others.


This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

These terms constitute the whole agreement between the parties and no variation or alteration of these terms shall be valid unless approved in writing by a Director of YoungEducation. YoungEducation reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions and will notify the Client in writing of any changes.

The Client acknowledges that these terms govern the legal rights and obligations between the Client and YoungEducation.

For Clients – YoungEducation Tuition Centres


YoungEducation Tuition Centres operates on a subscription based model.


Fees must be paid one month in Advance. The client is to give YoungEducation Tutors permission to debit membership fees from the client’s credit or debit card monthly in advance. Direct Debits must be set up by the 20th of the month of sign up for pay out of the following months fees.

The Client is to give YoungEducation Tutors permission to debit membership fees from your card monthly in advance. Fees will be charged on the 24th of each month. However, should this date fall on a Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday fees will be charge on the next working day.

Prices are subject to change without notice.